It's good to note some observations...

As all of us continue to go about our lives despite the many current challenges, it’s good to note some “observations” that may explain how we all are coping. Here are just a few:

  • Given the recent past…30+ degrees qualifies as “balmy”.
  • 25% capacity in restaurants qualifies as “normal”.
  • A snowfall of under 5 inches is “minimal”.
  • A meeting not held on Zoom is “unusual”.
  • Masks are a “fashion statement”.
  • Board games are no longer “old-school”.
  • Not remembering that you are on mute is “expected”.
  • In some places cardboard cut-outs outnumber “real people”.
  • Taking your temperature is now a daily “highlight”.
  • We all have a better idea of what “six feet looks like”.
  • Look Forward Elmhurst!