Do you know your sign? Do you follow your horoscope? Is it something that matters to you? 

Well…lots of people do around the world. I try and read the newspaper (I know…old school) every day…and that includes the comics, which is where the horoscopes are printed. (No joke).

  • I won’t share my sign, but here is what it said about a day this week:
  • Don’t believe everything you hear.
  • Monitor news and adapt.
  • Practice diplomacy.
  • Get creative.

Lots to cover there, but I am not sure how to proceed. The first three have points of linkage and maybe lead to getting creative. On the other hand, if I get creative first, then I have to monitor, adapt and be diplomatic. Confusing.

Looking at some other horoscopes for that day, for other signs, I noted the following:

  • Expect delays and traffic.
  • Keep an open mind.
  • Take care of business.
  • Avoid gambling.
  • Keep your promises.
  • Clear the path and watch your step.

I think I’ll stick with don’t believe everything you “read”.