In just a few days we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day, that day highlighting love and caring for special people in our lives. This, of course, can be spouses, significant others, friends…the potentials are almost endless.

But Valentine’s Day also poses some dilemmas…things that must be decided…and carefully… so as to not disturb all the love going around.

  • Candy or Flowers…or both?
  • What Candy and Which Flowers?
  • Dinner and a Movie…or both?
  • Where is Dinner and What Movie?
  • A quiet, private spot…or a festive, crowed venue?
  • Casual or Dressy?
  • What is Casual and What is Dressy?
  • Drama or Comedy?
  • Alone or with others?
  • Family or Friends?
  • Card or no card?

Valentine’s Day is wonderful…but St. Patrick’s Day is far less stressful.