Okay, I understand it’s still winter. It’s winter and will stay winter yet for a time. We have Valentine’s Day to come and St. Patrick’s Day too. But, the days are getting longer. My early plants are actually peeking up from the ground already and I can’t help but look ahead with an early look at spring.

Spring brings some warmth, some rain, some time outside. It also brings renewal, optimism and the promise of good things to come. We humans like to look ahead. It helps to make time pass for us and it lets us feel like we know what’s coming even if we really have no clue. Fifty degrees in November is chilly, but fifty degrees in April is balmy and brings out the short pants. Spring is all about leaving winter behind. There’s a bit of relief that (maybe) snow is over and that (maybe) sunshine will reign once again. It just seems right.

Spring can have its issues too, but we seem to be better at coping with them than winter. I know there are those who love winter and certainly love the change of seasons. I do too. But limiting winter and extending spring just seems the correct way of thinking. I hope spring this year is lovely…just not too hot, rainy, buggy or windy. Oh well.

Is it too early to look at summer?