So it’s the new year of 2024 and that means “resolutions” need to be made per custom. It isn’t so much that these resolutions will be kept…it’s just the tradition of making them in the first place. Here goes:

  • Don’t fall. It can be icy out there!
  • Eat better. This is on the list every year.
  • Make wide turns in the parking decks. Many people don’t do this resulting in unexpected stops.
  • Read more. I have books to read and intend to do so.
  • Smile more. Ongoing item.
  • Work smarter. This includes taking better advantage of available technology.
  • Worry less. Good Luck.
  • Careful with “tone”. Lots to be done here.
  • Engage better with local culture. Lectures, concerts, events.
  • Family first. Always a good thing.

Ten resolutions are a good number. Come next January we’ll see how we did. (Not holding my breath.)